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How about this - there’s an actual art show in Yellowknife this weekend

This coming weekend will be a big one for Yellowknife resident Alida Ryan, whose’s getting her first art gallery opportunity at the Mermaid and Moon Boutique.
Alida Ryan came to the NWT in 2019 and has been pursuing the arts ever since. Photo courtesy of NWT Arts

This coming weekend will be a big one for Yellowknife resident Alida Ryan, whose’s getting her first art gallery opportunity at the Mermaid and Moon Boutique.

“It’s very exciting to be able to present all your work to the community,” she said.

The show, which will be taking place on Nov. 6 and 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., will feature “heavy bodied Acrylic paintings” on wood and canvas from Ryan and will be for sale. Admission is free.

There will also be a soft opening on Nov. 5.

For Ryan, the selling of her works comes secondary to the chance to put her creative pieces on display for the community.

“Whether or not they sell is not really the goal of it, but really just to bring about art in the community,” said Ryan. “I’m very proud to have it on display this weekend for multiple days.”

As a bit of a bonus, community residents will have a chance to get in on the action - or auction - sooner than they may think.

A caribou antler painted by Ryan is available through Ryan’s silent auction with the money going to a good cause.

“Starting today at (sometime around) noon (on Nov. 2) … it’s going to be on silent auction all week, until Sunday at 6 p.m.,” said Ryan. “And the money raised will go to the Foster Family Coalition for arts supplies.”

The link for the auction can be found here:

Ryan, who’s always been passionate about the arts, really got into the creation process during the pandemic. After moving to the NWT in 2019, and during a slow down of social gathering, she decided to “give it a go.”

As for the show itself, it came together for Ryan after applying for the NWT art grant during March of this year.

“It was approved in June, and I got the funds to go to Peterson Point Lake Lodge,” said Ryan.

“It was a photography art workshop that I participated in for five days at the end of August,” she continued. “From that, with the grant that sponsored me to go in that workshop, I was able to create an art show with my works and most recent work.”

The most nerve-wracking thing for Ryan ahead of her upcoming gallery? Putting herself on display.

“It’s a small community,” said Ryan. “So it really reaches everyone and anyone. You’re really just putting your emotions on the line and letting people see kind of what you’re feeling, but (it’s) also what they feel when they see the piece of work.”

As far as the future is concerned, Ryan has already applied for a new grant, which she hopes goes through.

“It has to do a mosaic project with the Foster Family Coalition,” said Ryan. “I really, really do enjoy working with the youth and the children.”

Alida Ryan’s upcoming gallery will be free admission. Photo courtesy of NWT Arts
A painting of the Northern lights. Photo courtesy of NWT Arts
Alida Ryan, whose first art show will take place this weekend from Nov. 6 to 7. Photo courtesy of Johanna Tiemessen