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Mackenzie Delta heat wave expected to last until at least July 8

A heat warning issued by Environment Canada July 2 is expected to last the entire week.
Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for Inuvik, Aklavik, Tsiigehtchic and Fort McPherson, warning temperatures will remain high until at least July 8. Photo courtesy of Pixabay

A heat warning issued by Environment Canada July 2 is expected to last the entire week.

Following a scorching weekend where the mercury breached 30 C, Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority issued a follow up advisory, saying the heat wave was expected to last until at least July 8.

“Exposure to extreme heat can result in heat-related illnesses including heat stroke,” said the notice. “Symptoms of severe heat illness include: dizziness/fainting; nausea/vomiting; headaches; rapid breathing; extreme thirst and decreased urination. People at higher risk of adverse health impacts include young children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with chronic illnesses or on certain medications, and those who spend large amounts of time outdoors.

“You can reduce your heat exposure and risk of illness by wearing loose-fitting/light weight clothing, staying hydrated, closing curtains and windows during the hottest hours, using air conditioners or fans, taking a cool shower or bath, visiting air conditioned buildings, and scheduling outdoor activities for cooler parts of the day. Workers and their employers should develop plans to work safely.

“People, especially children, and pets should never be left inside a parked vehicle during high temperatures.

“During heat waves, residents, communities, and service providers should check in at least twice per day on those who are at highest risk of heat illness, especially the elderly and those who are homeless or socially isolated. Anyone feeling unwell due to the extreme heat should seek medical attention.”

Heat warnings are in effect for Aklavik Region, Fort Good Hope Region, Fort Liard Region (including Nahanni Butte – Sambaa K’e), InuvikRegion, Norman Wells – Tulita Region, South Delta Region (including Ft. McPherson and Tsiigehtchic), and Wrigley Region.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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