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RCMP investigating second arson attempt on Hay River home in a month

The second arson attempt this month on a newly-purchased, Elm Crescent home, is under investigation by Hay River RCMP.
Hay River RCMP are investigating a second arson attempt at a home on Elm Crescent following incident on Feb. 10. NNSL file photo

The second arson attempt this month on a newly-purchased, Elm Crescent home, is under investigation by Hay River RCMP.

Police stated in a news release on Feb. 11 that a home under renovation experienced fire damage on the exterior on Thursday.

“It is believed the suspect(s) used a petroleum product in their attempt to burn the residence,” states the release. “The building sustained exterior damage to the siding of the home. This is the second time this residence has been the victim of arson in the last week.”

An arson investigation was opened on Feb. 4 after molotov cocktails were used at the same residence by an unknown person.

In that incident, the home experienced damage to its siding and saw a window pane broken.

“No one has been hurt as a result of the either incident,” according to police.

It is not known the motivation for the attacks on the homes and both reports are being investigated.

“The RCMP are investigating both matters and take this disregard for safety of others and their property, very seriously,” stated police.

Anybody with information about these incidents can contact Hay River RCMP at 874-1111 or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Residents can also reach out to on the “submit a web tip” or text: “nwtnutips” plus your message to 274637.

On Feb. 11, homeowner Montana Mandeville posted a photo to Facebook of the most recent burn marks on the home.

“Someone tried to light my house on fire again and it looks like they were trying to pour stuff into my vent!” she wrote. “Whoever knows who is doing this please turn them in. This is beyond disgusting behaviour and you deserve to go to jail for trying to harm an innocent family.”

Mandeville stated in an extensive interview on Feb. 10 and before the second occurrence that the two molotov cocktails had been thrown at the side of her house. One broke a first glass panel and the second broke a shutter.

Hay River RCMP are investigating two separate arson attempts on an Elm Crescent home over the past week. In the first incident molotov cocktails were used. In the second, a petroleum based product was used. photo courtesy of Facebook
Hay River RCMP are investigating two separate arson attempts on an Elm Crescent home over the past week. In the first incident molotov cocktails were used. In the second, a petroleum based product was used. photo courtesy of Facebook

But a third one was also thrown that the RCMP did not report in either of its recent news releases.

“The third one … hit the front of my house burning the siding,” she stated.

“It’s been really stressful. It’s made my anxiety a lot worse.

“I just wish I had some answers; it’s a really unsettling feeling to go through.”

Mandeville said that she installed a security system at her home as the result of the first incident.

How she will replace the damaged features to her home is uncertain.

“I’m going to have to replace my windows and I’m not really sure how I am going to fix the siding of my house yet,” she said. “It will probably have to wait until the spring/summer to fix it.”

Mandeville said she felt the attacks were not targeted because she only purchased the home.

“I think it was random,” she said. “I just recently purchased the house a few weeks ago and my dad just started doing renovations to the place.

“Not many people know I bought the place so I don’t think I was personally attacked or if the previous owners were.

“I don’t know much about them either so I can’t really say much on their part or if they saw the house as a perfect opportunity because they knew the house was empty. It’s really hard to say.”