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Floyd Powder honoured during cemetery clean-up ceremony

Minister of Veterans Affairs visits the city to honour veterans

The 2837 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps was busy performing an important service earlier this month.

More than a dozen members gathered to help clean up the Field of Honour at Lakeview Cemetery on May 14. A total of 13 cadets helped to ensure the final resting place for those who bravely fought remains in the best condition possible.

The cleanup is an annual event for the cadets and there was a special guest this year in the form of Veterans Affairs Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor, who was in the city on other federal government business before visiting the cemetery. She pitched in to help with the cleaning, but she was also there to honour Floyd Powder, a retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces and current Sergeant-at-Arms at the legislative assembly. 

Powder has identified 27 unmarked veterans’ graves as part of the Last Post Fund Indigenous Initiative since 2020.

“I have attended a lot of commemoration events, and I have to say this is probably one of the most personal ones that I have attended,” said Petitpas Taylor.

She added that the event was a touching and inspiring one with youth continuing to be role models in honouring those who served.

Cadet Mala Ikanvig said that events like these are important for her as a cadet.

For her, deciding to join the cadets was about “being a good person,” she said.