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Eight Nunavut Elders in Ottawa’s Embassy West have Covid-19

Nunavut’s health minister John Main announced on March 28 there are eight Nunavut Elders who have Covid-19 at Ottawa’s Embassy West Senior Living facility.
Minister of Health John Main announced on March 28 that there are eight Nunavut Elders in Ottawa who have Covid-19. NNSL file photo

Nunavut’s health minister John Main announced on March 28 there are eight Nunavut Elders who have Covid-19 at Ottawa’s Embassy West Senior Living facility.

“I know this is concerning for everyone, especially those with family members at the facility,” said Main.

The department of health has been in contact with Embassy West and said it has implemented strict Covid-19 protocols to limit visitors, as well as increasing testing and screening among staff and clients. All cases at the facility are contained to one floor with additional Covid-19 protocols and air filtering systems in place.

“At this time, I am confident Embassy West Senior Living is doing everything it can to stop the spread of the virus and care for those who are sick,” Main added.

Main says there are Inuktitut interpreters on-site and the Elders understand the situation.

“We will continue to monitor the situation and offer any support we can to aid our Elders.”