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East Three Elementary, U11 Hockey exposed to Covid-19 in Inuvik

Children in Inuvik have been potentially exposed to Covid-19.
Students at East Three Elementary’s Grade 4 and 6 classes were potentially exposed to Covid-19 on Nov. 3 and 4. In addition, U11 hockey players were potentially exposed to Covid-19 on Nov. 2. NNSL file photo

Children in Inuvik have been potentially exposed to Covid-19.

An exposure notice at 8:15 p.m. Nov. 5 was added to the GNWT’s website.

Students who attended Grades 4 and 6 at East Three Elementary on Nov. 3 and 4 have been potentially exposed to Covid-19 and should isolate immediately. Letters of advice have been sent to parents and families are asked to follow directions. The school posted on their Facebook Friday night that all Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 siblings of the affected classes are expected to remain home for the same isolation period. All other staff and children at the school are being advised to self-monitor for Covid-19 related symptoms and isolate if they develop.

In addition, a second exposure was listed for the hockey program at the Midnight Sun Complex.

Anyone playing U11 hockey on Nov. 2 between 6:45 and 7:45 p.m. has been potentially exposed to Covid-19 and should isolate immediately. Fully vaccinated people should self-monitor for symptoms and isolate if they develop.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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