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City to team up with contractors to clean up snow

So about that snow that’s been making everyone’s life seemingly miserable over the last 24 to 48 hours? There’s now a team effort in place to try and make a dent in that.

So about that snow that’s been making everyone’s life seemingly miserable over the last 24 to 48 hours? There’s now a team effort in place to try and make a dent in that.

The city has announced that contractors will be brought in to work with public works employees to get rid of the build-up that has plagued the city and caused not only many cars to become stuck, but also more than one person to tell the city how they feel about the whole situation.

The announcement came late Friday afternoon with snow removal and winter road work all part of the plan.

The city is telling residents to prepare for traffic delays in areas where the work is happening, snow piles and windrows — those large piles of snow which crews bundle into a row in the middle of a street when doing snow removal — in various areas. The city is also asking residents to move cars that are parked along curbs in order to make the job of removing snow easier.

The work is expected to continue into next week.

About the Author: James McCarthy

I'm the managing editor with NNSL Media and have been so since 2022.
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