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City of Yellowknife to nix vaxx-proof policy March 1

Yellowknife City Council members voted unanimously to lift the city’s Proof of Vaccination Policy at city facilities, Feb. 28.
Users of Yellowknife city-run facilities will no longer be required to provide proof of vaccination as of March 1, after council voted unanimously to nix it. NNSL file photo

Yellowknife City Council members voted unanimously to lift the city’s Proof of Vaccination Policy at city facilities, Feb. 28.

The policy will be removed in tandem with the Office of Chief Public Officer’s Northwest Territories Covid-19 Gathering Order, which is scheduled for March 1, 2022.

“I’m just happy to see this taken away,” said Steve Payne, city councillor, at the Governance and Priorities meeting earlier on Feb. 28 “…so we can get back to the start of being normal.”

The city facility proof of vaccination policy had been in place for around four months in length after initially being put into place on Nov. 9, 2021 after a majority of councillors voted in favour.

RELATED REPORTING: Council votes ‘yes’ to needing proof of vaccination at city facilities in Yellowknife