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A lasting legacy honours avid gymnastics supporter Elaine Keenan Bengts

Elaine Keenan Bengts, a long-time supporter of gymnastics in Yellowknife, had a plaque installed in her honour and the club is now known as the Elaine Keenan Bengts Gymnastics Centre. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo

A longtime supporter of the Yellowknife Gymnastics Club was given posthumous recognition recently with the dedication of the host facility in her honour.

Elaine Keenan Bengts worked tirelessly for several decades to create a gymnastics club, said John Tram, one of the club’s coaches.

“She was instrumental in building the club into the success it is today,” Tram said.

The club, which has been located in the city’s Multiplex for 20 years, is now known as the Elaine Keenan Bengts Gymnastics Centre.

Tram recalled when Yellowknife gymnasts used to gather in a school gym and after every practice the equipment would have to be stored away.

He said it was during that time when Keenan Bengts enrolled her three daughters into the gymnastics program and soon after joined the board — later becoming president, a position she held for about 20 years.

“And for almost 20 years she fundraised and organized things to get enough funding and support to have the gymnastics facility built where it is now in the Multiplex.

“And so it was her that was the driving force behind all of it to have the facility built,” he said, noting that while the challenge was daunting at times, she prevailed.

Funding the fun

Tram recalled when the club was ready to move into its permanent location at the Multiplex and the bank would not approve a mortgage because the club is a non-profit organization.

“So (Keenan Bengts) had to convince a few other families to put down their homes as security on the Yellowknife Gymnastics Club mortgage, so she was a big part of that too. So there were a few other families that were involved in that along with Elaine’s family.”

And while that hurdle was eventually overcome, they then only had enough money to get the facility built and buy some of the equipment, Tram said.

“So she still had to continue fundraising for another seven years after the facility was built to get enough funds to purchase all the foam blocks to put into the foam pit.”

Even after her children no longer attended gymnastics, she continued on the board for many years thereafter, he said.

“She was just passionate about the sport and wanted to see the club be successful. So even without her kids involved in the sport, she still she stayed on the board to help out the club and obviously she was someone very instrumental in many aspects and successes of the club,” said Tram.

Lasting impact

Having a permanent gymnastics facility is very important, he said, adding that it’s the only one in the entire NWT.

“All the kids, and any participants — adults too — can come and enjoy the sport and try it out and learn to love it and participate in it,” he said. “It helps us to grow the numbers and get people participating and enjoying the sport. So that’s the most important part.

“It’s always fun for people when they do get to try it and see how much they enjoy it,” he said, adding that the trampoline and the foam pit seem to be two favourites for people.

“It’s like a giant indoor playground for kids and adults and everyone particularly loves it.”

When Keenan Bengts passed away in 2022, Tram said they wanted to do something significant to remember her, so they renamed the facility.

“We’re honoured to be able to do that. We wouldn’t have the facility without her so it was very meaningful. And it was very well-deserved for her, obviously we wanted her name to be recognized and her legacy to live on.”

In 2022, Keenan Bengts was also named the 2022 Sport North Federation Delma Kisoun Memorial Community Contributor award recipient for the sport of gymnastics.

The distinction recognizes coaches, officials, mentors and administrators who dedicate themselves to the growth and development of amateur sport at the community level.

Bill Othmer, executive director of Sport North Federation, said in an email that Keenan Bengts sat on Sport North’s board of directors for more than 20 years and was a “true champion of sport.”

“Her devotion to sport within the Northwest Territories and beyond was unwavering, and she brought that spirit with her each and every day as a director of Sport North.”

A look at the Elaine Keenan Bengts Gymnastics Centre located in the Multiplex in Yellowknife. Photo courtesy of the Yellowknife Gymnastics Club
John Tram is a coach at the Elaine Keenan Bengts Gymnastics Centre. Photo courtesy of the Yellowknife Gymnastics Club