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Raising money for the end of the school year at N.J. Macpherson

Victoria Barr was selling hand-stitched items like book covers and toys. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo

Schools are always looking for ways to raise money to help with expenses and that’s no different at N.J. Macpherson School.

A craft sale was hosted in the school’s gymnasium on May 4, attracting close to 30 vendors selling food, arts, and much more. Madison Stride, who teaches Grades 2 and 3 at the school, was the organizer and explained that the sale was aiming to fundraise for end-of-year activities and to replace some classroom supplies.

“When I threw out some ideas for a fundfaiser, we chose to go with the craft sale since some of the kids’ parents have done craft sales before,” she said.

Stride said she spent around six weeks sending out invitations to prospective vendors, planning all the tables and arranging the venue. Table sales alone raised $1,400 before the doors even opened.

A book sale was also part of the event. All of the books were donated by the students with a price tag of $1 each.

“A couple of other kids went through them to make sure that there was nothing inappropriate in them,” said Stride.

While parental volunteering was optional, Stride said 15 families still signed up to help during the day.

As for how the funds raised will be used, Stride said plans to use some money to prepare literacy packs for the kids to take home at the end of the year so they can continue studying during the summer.

Teacher Madison Stride organized the sale to help fundraise for year-end activities for her students. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo
Ricki and Casey Stevens and their mom, Miranda Stevens, were help selling books at N.J. Macpherson’s craft sale on May 4. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo