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Whale Cove rec co-ordinator first Nunavut grad from training program

Molly Okalik has achieved something that no one can ever best her at.

The recreation co-ordinator for Whale Cove, Okalik, 25, is the first Nunavut graduate from the Recreation North training program.

Okalik said the course began in October 2018 and carried on throughout the year.

Whale Cove recreation co-ordinator Molly Okalik, 25, has become the first Nunavut graduate from the one-year Recreation North training program that is delivered online. Photo courtesy of Molly Okalik

She said the program was delivered online, with a conference call being held for all the participants every two weeks.

“The program helped me a lot because I had just started my job and I needed more information on how I could help my community, as well as a better understanding of the proper way of doing things,” said Okalik.

“The program really helped me a lot in both those areas.

“Also, we have three different facilities in Whale Cove, and the program helped me to properly schedule our various events and activities, including evening sessions, as well as how to properly plan an event for the future.”

Okalik said she was never really planning for a career in recreation.

She said she's always been open to new things, so, when the rec co-ordinator job became open, she decided to apply.

“I applied for the job, but I didn't think for one second that I would get it, but I'm so happy I did.

“Once I had the job – I started on June 20, 2018 – it helped me want to do better for my community because I know how hard it can be for the kids here.

“So, that really motivated me to keep the job and do my best at it.

“And, so far, I've enjoyed every minute of it.”