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Meme lookalikes generate laughs and cash prizes in Whale Cove

Covid-19 has led to people spending more time at home on the internet. Rather than see the downside in this, Whale Cove tried to have a bit of fun with memes as part of its Nunavut Day celebrations earlier this month.

Among the competitions the recreation department supported, the meme competition encouraged community members to recreate popular memes. 

The top entries were awarded cash prizes based on how many likes they each submission received on Whale Cove's Recreation Announcements page.

Below are four of the five top winners.

Tina Sharp did a great job of recreating the summer teeth meme. Her photo won her fourth place and $60.
photos courtesy of Molly Okalik


Diana Qitruluk nailed her impersonation of the person behind the “too many selfies” meme. Her photo won her first place and $150.
Amy Okalik, right, poses with an RCMP officer to mimic a meme of a girl getting arrested. Her photo won her second place and $100.


Roxanne Misheralak and Maliyah Milortok, right, replicate a meme showing a famous scene from the popular movie Dumb and Dumber. Their photo won them fifth place and $40.