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Kivalliq-Manitoba hydro-fibre link 'a nation-building project,' says KIA president

The Kivalliq-Manitoba hydro-fibre link received a boost when a memorandum of understanding project was signed by the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) on Feb. 5.

The memorandum confirms the CIB will work in an advisory role with the Kivalliq Inuit Association (KIA), Sakku Investments Corp., Anbaric Development Partners and the Ontario Teacher's Plan on planning and development of the proposed project.

Kivalliq Inuit Associatio n president Kono Tattuinee, far right, and David Kakuktinniq of Sakku Investments, far left, are all smiles after a memorandum of understanding on the Kivalliq hydro-fibre link project to Manitoba was signed by Canada Infrastructure Bank on Feb. 5. Photo courtesy of Kivalliq Inuit Association

KIA president Kono Tattuinee said the memorandum is a significant step in advancing the project.

“We've been working with the federal government for a number of years now on this project and the CIB has a mandate to support green infrastructure projects,” said Tattuinee.

“This is the first project in Nunavut that the CIB is supporting, so we are very pleased. This is a nation-building project.

“We can't emphasize enough how important this project is to our region.

“We're still early in the feasibility stage, conducting the necessary studies to advance this project.”

The CIB is a Crown corporation mandated to invest $35 billion in federal funding and attract private sector investment into new revenue-generating infrastructure projects.

The hydro-fibre link would see the construction of a 1,200-kilometre, 150-megawatt transmission line between Nunavut and Manitoba to deliver renewable, sustainable and reliable hydroelectricity energy to the region.

It may also reduce the area’s dependence on diesel power generation using shipped-in fuel.

The hydroelectric transmission line would provide five Kivalliq communities and several mine sites with environmentally sustainable energy and has the potential to create economic benefits for Nunavut.

And, fibre-optic cabling included in the project would bring broadband connectivity to the region for the first time, enhancing telecommunications services for residents, businesses and public services.

Kivalliq Inuit hold a 51 per cent share in the project through the KIA, which would eventually become 100 per cent when the Ontario Teacher's Plan is paid out for its investment.