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Multiple causes to recent power outages in Inuvik, says NTPC

0301gjcm7.jpg Cody Punter/NNSL photo Northwest Territories Power Corporation NTPC

Inuvik has been hit with a spate of power outages over the last two days and NTPC says each of the outages have had different causes.

On Oct. 28, power was out shortly after 1 a.m., and two further power outages occurred in the following evening.

Then, at approximately 4 p.m. Oct. 29, the entire town and airport experienced a power outage that lasted close to an hour, with the power returning briefly and turning off several times before it was finally restored.

Northwest Territories Power Corporation communications manager Doug Prendergast said of the four outages, three were town-wide and one was a partial outage. None of the outages were the result of over demand on the electrical grid.

"The three complete outages were related to generation issues while the partial outage today was caused by an issue with a distribution line," said Prendergast. "NTPC is investigating each of these incidents to help determine how similar situations can be prevented in the future."

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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