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Man pleads guilty to threatening to kill RCMP officer's child


A man who threatened to kill two police officers and one's child was sentenced to time served.

In Inuvik Territorial Court on Nov. 26 the man, who will not be named because he has mental health conditions, pleaded guilty to two counts of uttering threats and one count of failure to comply with an undertaking. Judge Robert Gorin sentence him to 150 days in prison, which with pre-trial custody amounts to time served.

"I just want to say sorry to the officer I said that to," said the man in his defence. "I was highly under the influence. I feel bad I said that to the officers when they were just trying to help me.

"I am trying to get better and break my cycle. Pretty soon I know it's going to be too late."

Crown prosecutor Angie Paquin told court the man was supposed to be in self-isolation to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and was under conditions to not consume alcohol. He was expected to remain in self-isolation until Aug. 7.

However, on Aug. 2 police received a call about an incident at a home in Inuvik. Upon arriving, police found the man drinking with some friends and arrested him.

While police were reading out his rights to him in the police car, the man began swearing at them and making threats.

"He said he knew where the members lived, ate and slept," said Paquin. "He also said he knew where their kids lived. He told the police officer 'You better remember (them), your (child's) life. I'm going to eat them for breakfast.'"

Noting the man had been in pre-trial custody for 116 days, Paquin added the man had a lengthy criminal record, which included two sexual assaults and assault with a weapon.

"In of itself threatening police is one thing," said Paquin. "There are serious concerns when one starts talking about harming the family of an officer.

"There's no gap in his criminal record."

Noting the man was born with severe Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, defence lawyer Charles Davison said the man deeply regretted his actions.

He noted the day of the arrest was the anniversary of both the death of the man's mother and sister, who died by suicide, and he broke isolation in an effort to cope with the pain.

"He appreciates that if someone were to say something like that about his own family, he would be very upset," said Davison. "The violent offences are the small minority of the total offences. He's trying to live a better life.

"He knows he cannot do that again."

Judge Gorin said he was convinced the man was sorry, but cautioned him to stay out of trouble.

"I think you can change if you want to," said Gorin. "The threats to the police officers were abhorrent — there was an intention the threats be taken serious.

"Threatening members of somebody's family is one of the worst threats that can be made."

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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