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Inuvik's recreation scene sets an example


This week, I spoke with Tony Devlin about the award he received from the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, recognizing the work he's done in the last 10 years to advance recreation in the territory.

He told me that he thinks Inuvik is an example of a super-successful community when it comes to recreation programs, and I have to agree.

Not only is there a huge variety of recreation programs available for all age groups, from babies to teens to adults and elders, they are well-attended and well-presented.

In a place like Inuvik where there isn't much to do in the Southern sense – there aren't many restaurants and bars to try, concerts to attend, or big sporting events to watch – there is still a ton to do if you know where to look.

To name just a few, Ingamo Hall puts on great programs for babies and their parents, while also hosting popular events for elders like crib tournaments and luncheons. Last week, the Town of Inuvik hosted a Halloween party for youth, and nearly every night of the week you can participate in recreational sports and fitness programs at the school.

Or, if you like to get a little competitive, you can test your skills in squash, volleyball, or slo-pitch tournaments.

From healing circles to old-time dances, public lectures at the Aurora Research Institute, and so, so much more – it is hard to honestly say "there is nothing to do in Inuvik."

This is thanks to people like Devlin, community volunteers, and recreation programmers who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that we have quality programs to participate in.

It is so, so important to have something to do at all times of the year, but especially so in the dead of winter when the sun barely makes an appearance. The sense of community and joy that simple recreation programs can bring should not be underestimated.

Like Devlin said, quality recreation programming is integral to the health and wellbeing of communities, and I'm happy to say that Inuvik sets an example for others in this area.