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Inuvik woman drove ATV on Mackenzie Road while impaired at double the legal limit


An Inuvik woman was barred from driving for a year after being caught driving an ATV on a main road while impaired at over twice the legal limit.

In Inuvik Territorial Court Nov. 3 the woman, who will not be named because this is her first offence, pleaded guilty to one count of driving while impaired. Judge Robert Gorin fined her $2,000 and suspended her driving privileges for a year.

"You have no criminal record whatsoever," said Gorin in his judgment. "That shows me what you did is out of character and breaking the law is not usually something you do.

"I completely accept your explanation."

Crown Prosecutor Jared Kelly told court the woman was spotted by police driving an ATV along Mackenzie Road, which is prohibited, on Aug. 7. After pulling her over, the officers observed that she had glassy eyes, slurred speech and was swaying back and forth on her feet. Police conducted a roadside test, which the woman failed, and she was arrested and taken back to the station for a breathalyzer sample. Both samples blew at .17 per cent blood alcohol content.

Duty council Baljindar Rattan said the woman had gone to the bar had too much to drink.

"She realizes she made a very stupid mistake," said Rattan.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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