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Inuvik pool set to reopen Dec. 10

The pool at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex (MSRC) is set to reopen Dec. 10 after undergoing major repairs since May.

After being closed on and off for several months, the town announced on May 17 that the pool would be closed until further notice.

The pool at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex is set to reopen Dec. 10.
Samantha McKay/NNSL photo

Director of public services Rick Campbell told the Inuvik Drum in May that an engineering firm was working on a plan for a long-term fix for the pool, in addition to fixing a leaking jet.

In a Nov. 23 post on the Town of Inuvik's Facebook page, senior administrative officer Grant Hood wrote that consultants and experts analyzed the pool and made recommendations for repairs.

"As a result, we have endeavoured to make further repairs than originally scheduled based on information we have received," he wrote. "While these additional repairs have caused the re-opening to be delayed, in the end this will provide a better facility for the future and will also enhance our ability to maintain and reduce further interruptions of service."

Mayor Natasha Kulikowski said repairs included jackhammering 26 jets out of the cement and replacing them, as well as substantial repairs to the pool liner. The parts needed for the repairs are only produced in Europe.

She said the town's staff is working on the final repairs before beginning the clean-up and preparation for reopening of the pool.

"We're excited to finally be reopened for everyone, and we appreciate everyone's patience through the whole process," said Kulikowski. "It's such a great pool, and our water slide is outstanding … so we're very excited."

She said the town is planning a grand reopening event, but details haven't been announced yet.

Swim passes that were in effect at the time of the last closure will be extended based on the time the pass was taken out and the length of the pass.