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Housing Corporation builds rental units for RCMP

The RCMP will offer a four-month training course in Nunavut beginning in January 2020 in partnership with the Makigiaqta Inuit Training Corporation. Wikimedia Commons photo

The RCMP are receiving 45 new market rental units across NWT courtesy of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation, a GNWT news release announced Friday.

In Inuvik, 17 units will be built, in addition to six units in Fort Smith, three in Norman Wells, seven in Fort Simpson and 12 in Hay River. In the news release, the Housing Corporation stated that the units’ construction would increase employment and help address falling Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation funding for public housing.

“(The developments) will result in housing for the RCMP, jobs for northerners and a new revenue stream for our government that will help in sustaining affordable housing in the NWT,” Minister Responsible for the Housing Corporation Alfred Moses stated in the news release.