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Galusha wins women's championship

With the 2018 NWT women's curling championship in the bag, Team Galusha spent part of its final match mentoring the junior girls on Team Bain.

Shona Barbour, left, coaches Mataya Gillis about some of the finer points of sweeping.
Stewart Burnett/NNSL photo

“My girls were just trying to teach them a bit better sweeping technique to help them out,” said skip Kerry Galusha after the tournament, in which her team went 6-0 last weekend.

“They’re off to the junior nationals next week. We played them twice and there were a few things we thought we could help them out with before they went.”

Team Galusha moved through the women's territorials last year without a game because no one else entered. This year, the team got to practise against three women's teams from Inuvik.

“We don’t get enough games up here, so it was nice to see three Inuvik teams enter,” said Galusha, adding that all six games were competitive.

The junior girls' team, made up of Inuvik youth Mataya Gillis, Pearl Gillis and Tyanna Bain, plus Halli Delorey from Hay River, will be competing at the U21 nationals in Quebec this week.

“They taught us things we didn’t know for sure,” said Mataya about the help from Team Galusha. “I think it will help when we go to nationals.”

Pearl said it was very nice of the older women to help them out.

“It was a good experience for us so we can get more games in, because we don’t get that many games a year compared to other provinces and territories,” added Bain, whose team went 2-4 in the tournament.

“I think it’s good to learn from a team who has experience in bigger tournaments.”

For the nationals, the girls say they’re ready but going down more for practice and experience than anything.

“We’re not expecting to win the whole thing, but it’s just a fun experience that will help us with other future tournaments,” said Bain.

The girls thanked all the parents, players and volunteers for making the event happen.

Coach Nick Saturnino said learning from Team Galusha was a huge opportunity for the junior girls.

“When we can play in the ladies event against high-calibre completion, it improves the girls,” he said. “They got six high-quality games this week where they’re just learning, learning, learning.”

Team Galusha will now have a couple of weeks off before competing at the Scotties in Penticton.

Team Mitchell, made up of Melba Mitchell, Bella Charlie, Leah Lennie and Tanya Gruben, went 3-3 in the tournament.

Team Lennie, made up of Ashley Lennie, Stephanie Crocker, Leah Bishop and Tannis Bain, went 1-5.