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EXCLUSIVE: Bluenose-East Caribou Population declining

photo courtesy of Mike Robbins The Bluenose-East caribou herd has been closed to harvesting during the 2013-2014 season after a survey by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources showed a decline in the number of breeding females. Environment Minister Michael Miltenberger said there would be no easily-accessible herds for resident hunters in "the foreseeable future." Above, caribou from a herd between Arviat and Baker Lake are pictured in June of 2012.

Bluenose-East caribou numbers have declined to the point that the herd is now listed as Red, meaning a low population, and the Bluenose-West caribou population remains 'intermediate and decreasing' in Orange status.

Caribou of the Cape Bathurst herd remains in the red status as well, though observations suggest the population has stabilized.

The figures come from the latest public update of stakeholders in the Advisory Committee for Cooperation on Wildlife Management status meeting Nov. 19-21 at the Inuvik Community Corporation.

Subscribers can click the thumbnail below to read the full story in this week's Inuvik Drum.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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