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COURT: Man pleads guilty to assaulting police officer in Inuvik court


A man was placed on probation for a year for kicking a police officer during his arrest.

In Inuvik Territorial Court Dec. 15, Stanley Dale Kasook Jr., 20, pleaded guilty to assaulting a peace officer. Judge Garth Malakoe put him on probation for twelve months and barred him from possessing weapons except when hunting.

"I apologize for my actions," said Kasook in his defence. "I didn't mean any harm."

Crown prosecutor Emma Skowron told court police responded to a complaint Kasook was harassing a family member at their home. The complainant said he was drunk and they did not want him there.

By the time police arrived, Kasook had left. But shortly afterwards, police received a second call that Kasook had returned and forced his way into the house.

Police returned and attempted to arrest him. Kasook attempted to pull away, and the officers pinned him down to handcuff him. While police had him pinned, Kasook lifted his right leg, kicking one of the officers near the groin.

"This is the only offence of this nature," said Skowron. "It appears to be out of character."

Defence lawyer Alyssa Peeler said Kasook was very remorseful and went to far as to write a letter of apology to the police officer.

"He does not recall this incident," she said.

Judge Malakoe said the idea of a conditional sentence for assaulting a peace officer was "extraordinary."

"Mr. Kasook has shown he is accepting responsibility. He did that from day one," said Malakoe. "However, assaulting a police officer is a serious offence."

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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