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Corner Store armed robbery suspect arrested

Inuvik RCMP arrested a suspect in relation to the alleged armed robbery of the Corner Store April 5.

A youth faces a charge of robbery, according to RCMP news releases. The Youth Criminal Justice Act forbids the publication of the youth's name.

Inuvik RCMP located and arrested a youth in relation to the alleged armed robbery at the Corner Store April 5.
Samantha McKay/NNSL photo

The alleged crime happened at approximately 10:40 p.m. on April 3, when Inuvik RCMP were called to the Corner Store at the intersection of Kingmingya Road and Dolphin Street.

One of the store’s employees told police a male had entered the store with a weapon described as a knife and requested money.

The employee did not provide cash, but the male left the store with stolen items, according to a news release.

Police arrived at the scene and began an investigation, and put out a call for the public’s assistance in identifying the suspect April 4.

The RCMP received information about a possible suspect soon after the call went out.

"We appreciate the quick reaction to our request for public assistance and sincerely thank the citizens of Inuvik for assisting the RCMP with this investigation," stated Marie York-Condon, RCMP media relations officer.

The youth remains is in custody pending a Youth Justice Court appearance.

This is not the first robbery at the Corner Store.

A man was sentenced to nine months in jail after a violent robbery at the store in April 2002. In November 2004, a woman robbed the store of cash, and in April 2005, two women were charged with an armed robbery.

The owner of the Corner Store could not be reached for comment in time for publication.