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Bursary to honour late Terry Halifax

A bursary in development will honour the late town councillor Terry Halifax, who died in 2015 shortly after a town council meeting.

Denny Rodgers approached council seeking $5,000 to add to a bursary for the late Terry Halifax.
Stewart Burnett/NNSL photo

Denny Rodgers approached council on Monday seeking funding for the bursary. He had already raised $11,000 through individual donations and aimed to make it at least $15,000.

“Terry was a tireless volunteer in our community,” said Rodgers, who asked the Town of Inuvik for a $5,000 donation.

The bursary would pay out $500 once per year to a high school student. Rodgers said the full criteria hadn’t been ironed out yet but it won’t solely be based on academics.

“Count $2,000 out of that,” said Coun. Vince Sharpe, pulling a wad of cash out of his jacket and placing it on the table. “Terry was a good friend… He was a community leader. I think this is well deserved in Terry’s name.”

He made the donation as an individual.

“I certainly have many memories of Terry on council,” said Mayor Jim McDonald. “He was certainly vocal on council and a big member of our community. It was devastating when we lost him there the way we did.”

Halifax died Feb. 25, 2015 at age 54.

He was leaving a town council meeting when he fell to the ground in front of the fire hall. Members of the fire department performed CPR on him and transported him to the hospital, but doctors were unable to revive him.

Halifax came to Inuvik as editor of the Inuvik Drum and sat on town council for more than 10 years.

Town council voted Wednesday night to donate $2,500 to the bursary.