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United Way NWT offers financial support

Tracy St. Denis is the chair of United Way NWT. NNSL file photo

Three non-profit organizations in Hay River have received financial support from United Way NWT.

Tracy St. Denis is the chair of United Way NWT. NNSL file photo
Tracy St. Denis is the chair of United Way NWT.
NNSL file photo

Each organization will be receiving $7,500 – the Hay River Soup Kitchen to help meet the nutritional needs of families, Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre to assist with cultural immersion camps, and the Family Support Centre to help with its extended stay project.

"Those three organizations do great work and it's been our honour to work with them," said Tracy St. Denis, the chair of United Way NWT.

In November, the organization put out a call for applications from non-profits across the NWT to distribute $165,000.

In all, 20 organizations are being helped with funding out of the 28 applications received.

"Organizations need to be in the Northwest Territories," said St. Denis. "Money stays in the Northwest Territories and goes to NWT non-profits."

She noted the money comes from payroll donations by employees of certain organizations, including the GNWT.

Employees sign up to donate from each pay period to United Way NWT.

St. Denis noted that in 2011 when she joined the board of United Way NWT – then United Way Yellowknife – it was giving out $50,000.

"So the organization has come a long way," she said.

St. Denis noted that is partly because it is using social media to get out the message that donating is good.

"But I think more importantly we've been able to share messages about the non-profits that we help across the Northwest Territories, and I think that's resonated with people," she said. "It's about giving locally and helping those organizations locally."

Along with the payroll donations, the organization receives some corporate and private donations.

It started as United Way Yellowknife over 15 years ago, and about five years ago it became United Way NWT.