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Over 1,100 athletes to compete in NWT Track and Field Championships

As of late last week, 30 teams were registered for this year's NWT Track and Field Championships, set for June 5 to 7 in Hay River.

Marilyn Marshall, the administrator for the event, said that includes 28 teams from schools in 13 communities, including Yellowknife, Behchoko, Hay River, the Hay River Reserve, Fort Providence, Fort Resolution, Inuvik, Kakisa, Fort Simpson, Norman Wells and Trout Lake.

"It's about on par with what we usually get," said Marshall.

This aerial photo from 2012 gives some idea of how many people are attracted to the NWT Track and Field Championships.
NNSL file photo

The total number of athletes registered was 1,139, as of May 30, which is also on par with previous meets.

Marshall said she is "most definitely" pleased with the numbers, both for athletes and teams.

Of the total number of athletes, the majority come from outside Hay River.

Again as of May 30, the registrations included 839 young people from outside of Hay River, including students from the Chief Sunrise Education Centre on the Hay River Reserve.

However, a Hay River team has the honour of having the most members.

"Our biggest team is Princess Alexandra School," said Marshall, noted it has 96 members.

The biggest out-of-town team – with 84 members – will be coming from St. Patrick High School in Yellowknife. Another Yellowknife team, J.H. Sissons School, is a close second with 82 members.

On the other hand, one team has just a single member. Haley Cassie will be the sole representative of Mackenzie Mountain School in Norman Wells.

Almost all the athletes at the NWT Track and Field Championships will be representing schools, except for those from two track clubs.

"We've got the Hay River Track Club with three athletes," said Marshall. "That's people that are graduated from DJSS and they just go under the Hay River Track Club."

There will also be competitors from the Fort Smith Track Club.