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NEWS BRIEFS: Current council stays 'til November

The current town council will stay in place until the beginning of November, even though a municipal election is set for Oct. 15.

At the Sept. 11 meeting of council, Deputy Mayor Donna Lee Jungkind asked about the meeting schedule in October.

According to town administration, the current council will be in place for the final regular meeting of council on Oct. 30.

Its term of office ends at noon on Nov. 5.


PA School students support Terry Fox Run

Thirty-six students at Princess Alexandra School participated in the annual Terry Fox Run at the school.

The students had a goal of raising $2,500, but exceeded that by collecting $2,631.40.

The school held its Terry Fox Run on Sept. 17.


Brownies seeking leader for meetings

Hay River Brownies are looking for a woman to help plan and lead weekly meetings with other volunteers.

Brownies are girls aged seven to eight years.

Meetings are once a week on Wednesday evenings and consist of crafts, games, singing and other activities.

Each week, the girls explore topics ranging from arts, science, leadership, life skills and communication.


Seniors to learn to play handbells

Beginning on Sept. 25, seniors will learn how to play handbells with students at Princess Alexandra School.

The instructor will be Jennifer Tweedie, a teacher at the school.


Project to improve beach, wharf roads

Town council has awarded a tender to improve the roads to Hay River Beach and Fisherman's Wharf.

The tender for $91,260 was awarded to Carter Industries at the Sept. 11 council meeting.


Sign frame to be filled by month end

At the Sept. 11 meeting of council, Deputy Mayor Donna Lee Jungkind asked about a new sign at the Visitor Information Centre.

Jungkind noted the frame of the sign has been erected, and she asked when the sign itself will be added.

"The signage is off to the vendor for production on it, for printing," responded Glenn Smith, acting director of recreation and assistant senior administrative officer. "We have been waiting on that for a while now. But we do expect that it should be completed by the end of this month."