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LOOKING BACK: NWT helps Greenland celebrate

40 years ago

Hay River was represented at the 250th anniversary of the capital city of Greenland.

Mayor Don Stewart, along with Commissioner Stuart Hodgson and other dignitaries from the Northwest Territories took part in Godthaab's anniversary festivities by invitation of that city's mayor.

The delegation from the NWT was in the company of Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik of Denmark for the jubilee celebrations that marked the founding of the city, on the southwest coast near the mouth of Godthaab Fjord. The area was colonized by Hans Egede, a Norwegian missionary.

Before flying to Greenland, the party spent three days at Frobisher Bay, where then Governor General Jules Leger was touring.


30 years ago

Mayor Mary King, cuts the ribbon officially opening the Corporate office of the Northwest Territories Power Corporation, as then Chairman of the Board Jim Robertson, left, and then Minister responsible for Public Utilities, Hon. Nellie Cournoyea, right assisted. The ceremony was followed by a tour of the office suite. NWTPC Corporate offices are located on the top floor of the Don Wright Centre.


10 years ago

High winds knocked out power to parts of Hay River and the Hay River Reserve.

The wind, which gusted as high as 67 km/h, knocked trees over onto power lines in six different locations in town and on the reserve.

Duane Morgan, then manager of Northland Utilities (NWT) Limited, said power was knocked out for more than two hours in all of Hay River's Old Town and different portions of the Hay River Reserve.