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Hay River's first youth triathlon set

Dale Loutit, the recreation programmer supervisor with the Town of Hay River, has introduced the idea of a youth triathlon to the community, and the event is being planned for Sept. 15. Paul Bickford/NNSL photo
Dale Loutit, the recreation programmer supervisor with the Town of Hay River, has introduced the idea of a youth triathlon to the community, and the event is being planned for Sept. 15.
Paul Bickford/NNSL photo

A brand-new sporting event is coming to Hay River.

It's called the KitCan Youth Triathlon, which is set for Sept. 15.

The idea was brought to the community by Dale Loutit, the recreation programmer supervisor with the Town of Hay River.

"This is the first time we're ever running one in Hay River," she noted.

There are already triathlons in town for adults.

"And I just thought it would be a fun way for kids to get active with a triathlon for their ages," said Loutit. "We just wanted it to be more active, and participate in something like this that's basically known more for adults so kids can have fun doing that, as well."

As with any triathlon, the event for youth will feature swimming, biking and running.

There will be different categories for ages three to 19 years.

Loutit said the distances will obviously not be as long as in triathlons for adults.

"They're going to be doable for kids in the pool, on the bike and for running," she said.

It will be up to parents to decide what their children are capable of doing.

Loutit said she is very excited about the youth triathlon, and the fact that it's something new for Hay River.

"It's a way for kids to be physically active and to challenge themselves," she noted.

Loutit heard about youth triathlons from a friend who works in the recreation department with the City of Whitehorse in the Yukon, and she immediately thought it was a good idea.