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Documenting from a Distance in Hay River

Photographer Marilyn Marshall brought the idea to Hay River of taking pictures of families while they are staying at home because of the COVID-19 crisis. Paul Bickford/NNSL photo
Photographer Marilyn Marshall brought the idea to Hay River of taking pictures of families while they are staying at home because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Paul Bickford/NNSL photo

Photographers – including two in Hay River – are using their creative skills to help people chronicle staying at home during the COVID-19 crisis.

Marilyn Marshall brought the idea to Hay River after hearing about it in other places, including Yellowknife.

"And I said that would be a great idea to do here in Hay River," said Marshall.

The idea is that photographers take pictures of families on their doorsteps or through their windows to give them a visual record of staying at home.

Marshall announced her plans on her website and asked people if they wanted to have their pictures taken. She would then e-mail them a copy for free.

Close to 60 families responded, which was a surprise for Marshall.

"I didn't think I would get that many, at all," she said.
Marshall spent March 28 & 29 moving from house to house to take pictures, while maintaining safe social distancing from the families.

She called the project Documenting from a Distance.

Elsewhere, it has sometimes been called the Front Step Project.

Marshall hopes the photos will be viewed years from now, and they will help people tell their grandchildren and future generations about this extraordinary time.

She noted she also loves to take photographs.

"It's just my way of getting out, doing something that I love," she said of her latest initiative, adding she thought it would also be a fun thing to do.

Inspired by Marshall, another photographer, Nicole Wang of Hay River Shine Moment Studio, will also be taking such photos on April 2 & 3.