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Dene welcome governor general

The Dene Nation has welcomed Canada's new Governor General.

"The Dene Nation extends its wholehearted congratulations to Gov.-Gen. Julie Payette for taking the formal oath of office as Canada’s 29th Governor General. We wish Her Excellency every success in representing the Queen," stated Dene National Chief Bill Erasmus in an Oct. 2 news release, adding Dene leaders look forward to meeting Payette to discuss treaty and Aboriginal rights.

"As the new representative of the Crown, we encourage Governor General Payette to come to the North," stated Erasmus, adding the Dene Nation looks forward to a strong working relationship with the former astronaut to help diminish gaps in its relationship with Canada.

The Dene Nation president noted First Nations in Canada have a direct legal relationship with the Governor General as a fulfillment and provision of treaties with the Crown.