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Chief says visitors from outside the territory not allowed at K'amba Carnival due to Covid-19

Chief April Martel of K'atlodeeche First Nation says precautions are in place to keep the Hay River Reserve safe from Covid-19 during K'amba Carnival. NNSL file photo

Chief April Martel says steps are being taken to keep the Hay River Reserve safe during K'amba Carnival.

The leader of K'atlodeeche First Nation (KFN) said precautions have been established against Covid-19.

"That's one of the things that we were concerned about because Hay River and KFN are in their own bubble, but we were just worried about other places," she said. "But the chief public health officer and the other officers said it was safe, said it was good. But we just cannot have entry outside of the territories."

Usually, K'amba Carnival attracts people from communities in northern Alberta, but that won't be happening this year – from March 1 to March 7.

"We just want to stay in our own little NWT bubble for now," said Martel.

People from outside of the NWT won't be allowed on the reserve, she added.

"We apologize to everyone, but it's just safe and that's how we're going to keep it that way."

The chief said that other precautions are also being taken.

"When you come to the reserve, there's going to be security there and they're going to check your temperature and all those rules that are in place," she said. "So we're going to have to up the security a little bit during the day, just due to the fact that there's so much movement."

Martel also said that organizers have made changes to events to make them safer, such as not having large gatherings and moving some of the activities online.

"We want to make sure everyone is safe and not gathering," she said. "We're avoiding all of that, for sure."

Martel said the organizers, under the leadership of committee chairman Aaron Tambour, have been working hard to accommodate people in an environment safe from Covid-19.

"They're trying to work so that we can still have fun this year," she said. "You know with everything that's happened with Covid and people cancelling events, it's been so stressful, and we need some fun here in Hay River."