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Camsell library gets big support

Harry Camsell School garnered $6,100 in credits – the equivalent of about 610 books for its library – in Indigo's Adopt a School program.

The fundraising campaign began Sept. 16 and ended Oct. 8 to help buy new books for elementary school libraries across Canada.

People could donate online, and Harry Camsell School was also adopted by The Coles Bookstore at the Kingsway Mall in Edmonton. At that bookstore, shoppers were encouraged to help the school.

A representative of Harry Camsell School will now buy the books at a participating store, most likely The Coles Bookstore at the Kingsway Mall, and receive a further 30 per cent off the price of the books.

All participating Indigo, Chapters and Coles bookstores each adopted a school to fundraise on its behalf.