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AROUND THE SOUTH SLAVE: Circle of knowledge at Aurora College

NNSL file photo Jane Arychuk is president of Aurora College.

Thebacha/Fort Smith

Aurora College has taken another step towards implementing the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission with the creation of a Circle of Knowledge Holders.

"Approximately 75 per cent of our student population identifies as Indigenous, and more than 90 per cent are Northerners," said college president Jane Arychuk in an April 4 news release.

Jane Arychuk is president of Aurora College. NNSL file photo

"It is vital that we are reflective of our population, and incorporate the worldviews, cultures, traditions, languages, and beliefs of our students and the communities we serve into both the curriculum and the way we operate."

The Circle of Knowledge Holders is composed of elders, Indigenous instructors and staff at the college, two allies with academic knowledge in the area and the college president.

At the inaugural meeting in March, the group discussed a number of fundamental questions and issues over four days in Whitehorse, Yukon. The meeting was held in Whitehorse so the members could see what Yukon College has accomplished to date in its own reconciliation journey.

"Integrating traditional knowledge and Indigenous traditions into Aurora College is not an add-on or something that is nice to do; it is a huge part of who we are," said Arychuk. "The Circle of Knowledge Holders will help ensure that any steps we take are authentic and relevant for our students, staff and communities."

Hide-tanning camp planned in Lutsel K'e

Lutsel K'e/Snowdrift

The Lutsel K'e Women's Group will be presenting its fifth-annual hide-tanning camp in June.

The camp will be held from June 2 to June 9 on the shores of Great Slave Lake at the outflow of the Stark River. That is within walking distance of Lutsel K'e.

Participants will camp on site and learn how to tan a variety of hides using traditional methods.

Ice fishing derby held near Smith

Thebacha/Fort Smith

The Fort Smith Ice Fishing Derby was held from March 30 to April 1.

It took place on three lakes – Natawa, Blackman and Jackfish – about a two-hour snowmobile ride from the community.

Prizes were awarded in a number of categories.

In the adult section of the derby, the largest fish was caught by Bruce McArthur, the largest pike by Jay MacDonald and the largest pickerel by Derek Marten.

In the youth section of the event, the largest fish was caught by Ty Marten, the largest pike by Deaglan Freund and the largest pickerel by Ty Marten.