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2019 territorial election candidates

elections 2019

Planning to run for MLA in this fall's territorial election on Oct. 1? Let NNSL Media know at or (867) 873-4031. We will update this list as more candidates are announced.

Inuvik Twin Lakes

Lesa Semmler

Sallie Ross

Inuvik Boot Lake

Diane Thom

Mackenzie Delta

Frederick Blake Jr.


Herbert Nakimayak

Annie Steen

Alisa Blake

Holly Campbell

Deh Cho

Michael Nadli


Shane Thompson


Daniel McNeely

Hay River North

Rocky (R.J.) Simpson

Hay River South

Wally Schumann


Denise Yuhas

Louis Sebert

Don Jaque

Frieda Martselos

Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh

Nadine Delorme

Steve Norn

Paul Betsina

Lila Erasmus


Jackson Lafferty

Frame Lake

Kevin O’Reilly

David Ramsay

Great Slave

Katrina Nokleby

Patrick Scott

Kam Lake

Kieron Testart

Robert Hawkins

Caitlin Cleveland

Cherish Winsor

Abdullah Al-Mahamud

Range Lake

Caroline Cochrane

Hughie Graham

Yellowknife Centre

Julie Green

Arlene Hache

Yellowknife North

Cory Vanthuyne

Rylund Johnson

Jan Vallillee

Yellowknife South

Caroline Wawzonek

Gaeleen MacPherson