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ThawCon draws a crowd and showcases local talent at Yellowknife Curling Centre

While the main event of Ptarmicon may still be a few months away, there was a mini-event to give people a taste of what’s to come.

ThawCon was held at the Yellowknife Curling Centre’s upper level on Saturday with around 80 people taking part.

“It’s a significant increase from our last mini-convention, and it’s a fantastic way to promote our larger summer event,” said Matthew Curtis, treasurer for Ptarmicon.

He said that the convention has become a hub for Yellowknife’s gaming community and helps foster connections and introduce new games.

One of the highlights of this year’s event was a youth-designed board game, complete with original artwork and cards, which is currently being play tested by attendees.

Oliver Barrieau, the game’s designer, crafted an imaginative world where players represent important figures invited to a contest.

“It’s about strategy and choosing the right cards to outmaneuver you opponent,” he said in describing the game.

The game, which started out as an art project for Barrieau’s mother, evolved into a present for a friend and eventually into a product worthy of sharing with the broader community, he added.

“Olivier has always been reactive, modifying games we played and eventually creating his own,” said Adrian Barrieau, Olivier’s father. “This game is the result of that creativity and has gone through five iterations.”

The development of the game began a few months before Christmas and, with the support of Ptarmicon, the first two sets were printed locally.

Fraser Fuite, one of the participants, expressed his appreciation for the event’s ability to bring together like-minded individuals for a day of strategic fun.

“It’s always hard to organize a game day, so I love conventions like this where everything is ready, and all the players are here,” he said.

One game he said he enjoyed was ‘Wyrmspan,’ an adaptation of a popular board game, which adds a fresh twist to the experience.

Fuite’s passion for board games was instilled by his family, and he has been an active gamer for over 20 years. His game of choice is ‘Ticket to Ride,’ one which he claims to be particularly adept at.