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Swing dance enthusiasts offer classes ahead of Ragged Ass Swing Band event

A group of swing dance enthusiasts are offering free and low-cost classes to help people learn the basics of the dance style before a big event later this month.

Eva Paul, one of the organizers and instructors, said she was inspired to start the classes when she heard about the Ragged Ass Swing Band event to be held Jan. 20.

“A couple of friends of mine mentioned that they don’t know how to swing dance and they would really like to learn before the event,” she said. “So Adam (Pucek) and Lisa (Giovanetto) and myself, we’ve taught together before. So we decided we’d quickly put on a few classes just so that people had a basic understanding of how to do a swing before this big event.”

The classes are held at two venues: the Quality Inn and Bella Dance. The Quality Inn’s Tungsten Room is provided by the Multicultural Community of Yellowknife free of charge, while Bella Dance charges a small drop-in fee to use their space.

Paul said the classes are open to anyone who wants to join, regardless of their skill level or experience.

“We’re also having classes this Thursday and next Thursday, and they’ll be held at Bella Dance… Next Saturday, we’re meeting here (the Quality Inn) again at the same time, 2 p.m. here in the Tungsten Room, free of charge,” she said. “It’s just a continuation. We’ll build up people’s repertoire so they can have a really good time at the event.”

The event she’s referring to is the Ragged Ass Swing Band, a live music performance by a local band that plays swing and jazz tunes. The band was founded by Al Jones, who brought together 18 local musicians passionate about swing music. The band plays classic big band tunes and some original compositions.

Mike Auty, the musical director of the band, said the event will also feature a half-hour dance lesson by Amanda Kanbari, a professional dance instructor, to teach some of the basics for people to have a really enjoyable time at the show.

Auty said he’s excited to see the level of interest and enthusiasm for swing dance and swing music in Yellowknife.

“I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. I think people are going to have a great time. I think they’re going to be surprised by how much they can learn in a short amount of time and how much fun it is to dance with other people,” he said.

Close to 20 people attended the first lesson.

Auty hopes the classes and the event will inspire more people to try swing dance and show their newfound skills during the Ragged Ass Swing Band performance.