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Northwords launches second year of book readings at Snow Castle

Northwords NWT presented a special story time event for families and children at the Snow Castle over the weekend.

Sarah Kalnay-Watson, co-author of the acclaimed children’s book ‘If the Northern Lights Could Speak,’ read excerpts alongside Sebastian Bernabe, a nine-year-old who’s a fellow literature enthusiast and published author. Also penned by Kalnay-Watson’s best friend Myranda Bolstad, the book is illustrated by Kaylem Loomis.

The Sunday event attracted close to 30 people, with numerous families and some child-free adults gathering to enjoy the tales.

“You’re never too old to enjoy a kid’s book,” said Kalnay-Watson.

The choice of the Snow Castle as the venue added a layer of enchantment to the event, resonating with the themes in Kalnay-Watson’s book, which celebrates the Northern lights and the great outdoors. With its intricate ice carving and cozy interiors, the Snow Castle provides a fitting backdrop for winter story time.

Kalnay-Watson, who has been weaving stories since childhood, shared her journey from the film industry to publishing her first children’s book, targetted at infants to eight-year-olds.

Bernabe, who hails from Alaska, shared his latest work, ‘I Wish I Lived in the Library,’ a story that includes French translation. Having already released two other books, Bernabe finds inspiration in his love for libraries and the boundless worlds they contain.

Starting his writing journey with a story about his experiences in an outdoor program called Bush Kids, Bernabe’s creativity was sparked by his mother’s encouragement. His books are often reflective of his personal adventures and imagination.

His aspirations are as lofty. Once aspiring to be the president of the United States, he now channels his ambitions into storytelling. His upcoming project, a poetry book titled ‘My One Dollar,’ promises to delve into the joys of childhood and simple pleasures of life.

Henry Amber, vice-president of Northwords NWT, said the story time program, now in its second year, runs over four weekends.